Wednesday, January 27, 2010

week 38- Two Weeks Notice!

So as of today I am 38 weeks OUT OF 40! The baby is considered full-term at this point! The big D-day is approaching rapidly and it's almost too overwhelming. At this point, I am just trying to take it one step at a time. The more that I think about going into labor, the delivery, the baby coming home, and all of the life changes that are ahead of me I start to freak out a bit. I have always said I was an advocate for change, maybe I need to rethink that. I'd like to think that I am an advocate for change, but in reality I am an old foggy that finds security in the monotony of life... So obviously, the unknown factor of what my life will be like in 2 weeks has caused me some worry. There is no doubt in my mind that there is going to be a "gulp" dramatic change.

Over the last two weeks I started to catch myself in mid-action and ask myself "how will I be able to do this in two weeks?" When I make breakfast on Saturday morning. "Will I be able to do this?" When I rush off to work.. "Will I be able to do THIS?" It's crazy! I know that I need to trust God in this time of transition.

Each day is now one day closer to a new normal..

I have had weekly appointments with the Doc who has gave all good news. The baby is looking like a decent size, and seems to be healthy. One thing that I did not expect was to be subjected to watch birthing videos yesterday at the Doctor's office. Let's just say that these aren't TLC's Baby Story.... They are more like XXX Baby Story... haha.. But seriously, it tramatized me! After I got home and described it to Justin he said that it was cruel and unusual punishment... I agree.

The past couple weeks have been crazy and exhausting too. Justin's momma had a baby shower for us that turned out great and even some family from PA came down, and then our Sunday School class had a surprise shower too! This weekend I am heading down to P-town to have a small informal family gathering/shower for my side of the family too. It's been amazing to see all of the support from family, friends, and church family. I don't think I will be needing to buy diapers/wipes for quite some time- which is awesome!


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

week 36

So I am now a whopping 36 weeks out of 40. I am officially in my 9th month of pregnancy! The bun in this oven is pretty much cooked. The last several weeks have been so hectic and so fast., but I am glad to say that the nursery is usable.. Of course I wanted to do soo much more with it, but when it comes down to the wire we got it functional so I feel good! I will post pics up as soon as we get our digital camera. Turns out during our trip to PA for Christmas we left our digital camera there, which wasn't a big deal until I went to take pictures of the nursery with another digital camera-- and it's broke! So we are waiting to get it in the mail (hopefully before the baby is born!) We have had so many last min. expenses with the baby that I do not want to add another digital camera to the list.. haha.

Being the procrastinators that Justin and I are we finally went and registered at Wal-mart and Target on Sunday (haha).. We are having a baby shower at the church on the 23rd so we thought we better do it now or never.

Had a Dr. appointment on Monday and everything is looking good. The baby is still pretty high but has flipped to the head down position so he's ready to make his enterance. But who knows if this baby will even come by the due date (Feb. 10th.) I am trying to prepare the best I can- but I honestly have no clue what to expect! I've watched about 100 baby story episodes and the only thing that really does is make me more nervous. Justin seems to be pretty calm which is a little errie to me. I am like "do you realize that we are DAYS away from changing our lives FOR-EV-ER!!!!!" lol... I guess it's a good thing that one of us is staying calm.

In the meatime I am keeping busy trying to get as much done at work before the baby comes! The baby could not have chosen a more hectic time to come! With all of the end-of-the-year tax receipts that I have to get together for the church and still train my maternity leave replacement I am a little stressed! Pray that I get everything done and can rest easy before the baby comes!!


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

34 weeks

Well, the nursery is in the works... We are stocking up on diapers. We're getting ready! And hopefully, if all goes well, I will be waiting for another six weeks and then lil baby Avery Grant will be here! It's surreal to think that it's almost time for him to be here.

Pregnancy this week has started to rear it's ugly head at me. I have yet to find a good night's sleep, and something tells me that it's not going to get better. Between the huge kicks in the middle of the night, the back pain, and the bathroom runs I think that the little guy is trying to prepare me for what is in store.

I have realized that my anal-ness has reached an all time high. Most people would say it's this nesting stage- I just wish Justin would enter the nesting stage with me so I don't sound like a broken record. There are about a million things that I want done before the baby comes and I am starting to feel the pressure.. For me, all of the pressure of getting everything done turns from motivation to anxiety. Last night for example, Justin was watching some football game and it hit my like a ton of bricks "I need to get stuff done now!" So I had this sudden urge to move the furniture around in the baby's room. I wanted the curtains up. And I wanted all the clothes put away- unfortunately Justin wasn't into getting it all done- after all-"the football game is on, Amber!"... so I seriously went through an anxiety panicky moment where I was trying to move furniture and climb ladders and get the stuff done by it's like waiting was not an option! Finally Justin saw the "neeeed" to get it done by he crazed moment of freak out that I had just displayed and put the game on pause for a bit (thank God for DVR!). lol.

But I think that it's all coming together! Hopefully this time next week I can say "the nursery is done!" and I will post the pics to see..


Thursday, December 24, 2009

33 weeks

Merrry Christmas Eve! Today I am 33 weeks along and feeling great. Had a Dr. appointment this morning and the doc said everything looks great and gave a guesstimate baby weight of 4lbs. today! How exciting!

Here's a quick picture. Sorry- no smile! I was late for work. haha


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My Star

I read a post this morning from Shaun Groves website that really resonated to me.


"The Old Testament ends with two commands from the prophet Malachi. He tells God's people to remember:

Remember that God has done great things for you. Then he tells them to believe:

Believe God's not through doing great things for you.

Remember. Moses, manna, water gushing from a rock, the Law written down by the finger of God on a mountaintop. Remember.

Believe. Believe that no matter how much darkness comes your way God will not abandon you, forget you. He will rescue. Believe.

Then the prophet put down his pen and for the next 400 years the Israelites changed hands from empire to empire. Syrians. Persians. Greeks. Romans.

400 years. Some have called them the "darkest" in Jewish history.

Why? The Jews had known this kind of poverty, persecution and powerlessness before.

Why were these years the darkest?

Because God was the quietest.

For 400 years not a syllable was spoken by God to his suffering children. No prophets. No miracles.

Nothing but darkness.

And waiting, remembering, believing.

Then, one night, an angel appeared to shepherds watching their flocks. And light shone all around them. And Heaven sent a message to earth.

Before songs of joy there were cries of sorrow. Before peace on earth there was conflict. Before healing came hurt. Before the Light of the World there was darkness. Before the Word became flesh God was silent.

Wait. Remember all the great things God has done in your life. Believe that He's not through doing them.

Wait. Your star will come


In the midst of the busyness of life it so easy to forget what a miracle we are really celebrating. For me, this year is more meaningful in the fact that I am carrying a little one and are feeling the anticipation of this new life, just as I expected Mary felt. It's easy to get hung up on the dark times in our life but we have a promise and a hope that MY star is coming.

For those who don't know, Justin is currently laid off from work for the next two weeks. Being on furlough is never a fun time, for us it's filled with stress and penny pinching and lots of worry as to what tomorrow, next week, or next month is going to look like when all the bills come in. Luckily- this one is only two weeks. In any case, we went to PA this weekend and as we were enjoying the time with family, his old job, Norfolk and Southern called in and said that they will be calling him back within the next two weeks. If he chooses to go back he will forever leave his current job. His current job is something that provides the security that we need, yet he finds absolutely no enjoyment or fulfillment out of. His old job sits on the opposite spectrum, so much potential for growth and enjoyment- yet the security is not there. There are so many positives and negatives to each job that it instantly set us in a worry of what to do. What is the best choice? We are having a baby now and we aren't just making a choice for us, but for the little guy as well.

As I worried and worried over the weekend and drive home I finally heard the promise of God say "Remember all the great things God has done in your life. Believe that He's not through doing them". I know that God will take care of us. Is there a better season to find that promise than the Christmas season? Absolutly not.

"Wait. Your star will come"


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Week 32

So I am officially starting to struggle! I didn't get to post at all for last week AND i didn't even get a picture last week. BUT, in my defense can I just say that the past week has been SO hectic. Here are just a couple of things that have made my life hec-tic!

1. We had the Christmas theater at church a couple weeks ago and both Justin and I were in it. I had no idea how straining the small parts that I had would be with being so pregnant. Talk about a wipe out!

2. The Children's program at church. Justin was the prop guy who did a lot of the stage set up and making these wooden rotating signs. I ended up spending the best of last week doing the decorating part of the signs and he did the construction part. And I was helping with the preschool choir.

3. I turned 26! I am officially over-the-hill in my eyes. I am no longer a just a short skip away from 20- I am now a short skip away from 30... ayiyiy. Nonetheless- my parents made a special trip down to give me birthday wishes and Justin took me out the following night to celebrate.

4. We have started on the baby nursery! Here is the super cute set that my mom and dad bought baby Avery. The crib is set up, we are painting tomorrow and hopefully finish the nursery in the next 2 weeks?? maybe?

5. Oh- and lets not forget preparing for Christmas! With everything that has gone on, the blog is not the only thing that has not seen me- Christmas shopping hasn't either! I went and got a lot done on Black Friday, then purchased some online things, but have not got even a second to get out to shop! So the plan is to make shopping a priority this weekend!

6. Right now we are preparing to leave for PA this weekend to do Christmas with Justin's side of the family. Luckily for me, my black friday day was good because we got Justin's side completed, but on the way up to PA we are going to stop at some outlets to see what they have for us...

7. And we have had weekend guests- which are always fun. Jeni and Craig came down for a couple days last week, and Matt Carp visited this past weekend.

ANYWAY-- as far the pregnancy goes I am officially 32 weeks pregnant which means that I am starting month 8 of this 9 month journey. An average baby at this point would weigh close to 4 lbs and would be about 17 inches long, but I am not sure if our baby is a small baby, average, or large. I have now entered the wonderful state in which I am expected to gain 1lb. a week. Half of that weight goes to Avery.

Also, this week I have noticed a significant difference in the way baby movement feels. At first when I started to feel Avery he would jab and poke, while I can now watch my stomach literally shift in shape and size as the baby moves. It is just surreal.

Many people have been asking "so, are you ready to be un-pregnant"... Before actually being pregnant I felt that once I had reached this point I would be begging to see the finish line, but for me I have been really really really blessed with this pregnancy. I have yet to get sick or have excruciating pain or discomfort. I am still able to do pretty much everything that I had done before becoming pregnant. I haven't even had to call off of work. I actually have really enjoyed this experience and it's a little sad to see it go so quickly. I love being pregnant- but I am sure that once Avery Grant is here I will love being un-pregnant too.

In any case, like I said before, I feel so extremely blessed. Blessed because of this pregnancy, and the future with our son. Blessed to have Justin, who is an amazing husband and is so supportive. We are blessed to be in our new home for this Christmas. I am blessed to have a great church family, a handful of best friends, and a family who loves me and I them. With Christmas here it is just a great time to reflect and see just how amazing God's grace really is!


Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Week 29 and 30

This picture is this week (week 30-today). This week is the end of the 7th month! How exciting. As much as I'm enjoying gaining weight like a sumo wrestler, I am all to glad to say that only 2 more months to go!! Many people ask how much I have gained thus far and I refuse to get on a scale and see. I usually just distract myself when I am on the Dr. scale. lol.. I mean, I am sure that they would tell me if I am over or under weight. I think just this week my belly grew 5 inches.. I'd say Thanksgiving didn't help that at all!

As far as the baby goes, from this week on, there is really nothing more left to do other than grow. Everyday that he is in here is better because his lungs mature more and more- but the little guy has already done much of his developing which helps me take a big sigh of relief.

I am starting to think long and hard about labor and delivery... And not in a fond way. I am NOT looking forward to that! I'm thinking "Wait a minute. The size of what is going to come out something that's the size of what?! Are you kidding me? ". lol Can't they just knock me out cold and take the baby?? I have got the "so what's your birthplan' question alot, and let me just say for the record- I have NO plan. I didn't even know people made "birth plans" I'm just going to take it as it comes and that may include drugs, and it may not. Only time will tell!
So, like I said yesterday I totally missed week 29! So here is a very bad picture of me. I look a little dazed and confused- but is the only one that I got last week. Oh well! I promise I am not cross eyed in real life! HAHA.


Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Black Friday !

Yes, it occured to me that I completely skipped week 29 of pregnancy pics! Last week was one crazy week and I still am recovering from it. But tomorrow (week 30) I plan to post 2 pics one for week 29 and one for week 30.

But anyway, thanksgiving was great! Ate a ton, and then I had my first real black friday experience. I really didn't want to go by myself this year so I managed to talk my sister, Anetta into coming with me which made it alot better. We started our black friday rising at 3:00am- eating breakfast and venturing to Walmart. When we arrived there we realized that the line was going to be a 3 hour wait- so we decided to move on. Luckily Justin was going to work and managed to stop by the Walmart by his work and picked up 2 GPS. One for my mother and father in law and one for me (an early birthday gift). :)

My sister and I then ventured to Home Depot. This was the critical stop of the day because it was my main motivation to be out on black friday. Justin has been drooling over an 18 volt Makita drill set that normally costs in the high $300.00s, BUT luckily- Home Depot had them on Black Friday sale for a whopping $199.00- yes, still a large purchase. But I had saved enough each week that I had to get out and get it. We got there about 20 min. before the doors opened and I pushed my way through the burly men to get the drill. It was exciting!.

So after that stop- there was another hardware store that I had to stop by. We had drawn names this year and I we got Justin's brother. So I was on a mission to find a great gift (worth much more that our actual purchase price) and I found it! Another set worth well over $150.00- I paid much much less for.

We then went to Gabriel Brothers, Macy's, K-Mart, Target, Hallmark and finally finished off the trip at the Mall. Unfortunatly by the time we made it to the mall we were zombies. Although there were still tons of sales to check out we decided to check out and go home after a looong day.

All in all- it was great! We got alot done. It always feels great to get really good deals and save lots of money- espcially when you pay in cash! No charging for me this year!


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Week 28

Well it's the final lap of this nine month race, which means it's week 28 for me (7 months) and final trimester!! woo hoo .. and I am starting to really feel the effects of the pregnancy. I had a Dr. appointment last week and found out that my blood sugar levels were a little wacky, so now I have to go back to the Dr. this weekend and get a 3 hour glucose screening test. I In other words I have to get blood taken out of me 4 times that day... I feel like fainting thinking about it!.. uhhg. I HATE needles.

Anyway- baby seems to be doing fine. I have been reading all of the baby books and most of them say that at this point the baby begins to dream. How they know that, I have no clue. They saay that brain wave activity measured in a developing fetus shows different sleep cycles in this stage, including the rapid eye movement phase, the stage when dreaming occurs. And what would a baby who has never seen the outside world dream of anyway?? lol. But in any case, it's kind of cute to think of the little one dreaming away.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Black Friday?

I am starting my black friday list today and came across a really helpful website:

You can search through the adds and make your list right on their website! They have most of the stores opening hours.

I will admit, I have not been a huge black Friday person. I went one year in high school and vowed to never go again, but then again, I didn't make a list and was just going through the stores aimlessly looking for deals. Make a list. Map out your route this year!I think I will attempt it this year.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Saving Time

Wow. Thanksgivng is almost here! This is crazy. Christmas is soon coming and then New Years. Unusual as it seems, I am more ahead of the game than usual. Not only have I started my Christmas shopping, BUT I am already thinking long and hard about a good new year’s resolution. Usually I am not one of those resolutionee types, but this year I am. Well, I roughly know what will go on the list already but to “keep it real”, I need to put it all onto paper and make a PLAN!.

As you may or may not know, I’ve been on a managing money spree.… I know, this sounds pretty cliché for my age group. Especially considering that I have grown up in a world where a simple swipe of a card can provide you with a new life. It obviously all started when Justin and I married and the realization of combined debt smacked us in the back of the heads. On top of the school debt that we accrued, 90% of our wedding sits right in our visa and we get to review it every month… how sweet… forget wedding pictures- we get to see every little detail of it monthly!
Anyway- It didn’t take long before I realized that our lifestyle was to quickly change if we were to make any headway, .and since then I’ve been blabbing on to Justin about investments and the options available AND MOSTLY Since there is a little MacQuarrie on his way I thought that there is no better time to get serious than now! We have taken a financial peace class through our church and we are on our way!! I’ve learned to push away my impulse to impulsuvley buy, and surprisingly, have found it rewarding! Actually, I have collected some really great ways to save money- at least for me.

One funny story- Justin and I have been in dire need of a bedset. Dire need. We are using the full sized set/mattress that I bought in college. I had purchased it at Goodwill… so, let’s just say that it’s life has came to an end. In any case- with our vow to never use another credit card this was the first thing that really tested that vow. For months we walked through furniture stores dreaming of the bed set we wanted all while passing little attractive signs that would say “pay as little as $20 a month with our store card”… oh did we drool..But we were strong. We held it together. We put back money weekly, and in the end we bought a nice set with cash…Dave Ramsey would have teared up had he saw us in action. Now when they asked “would you like a mattress/boxspring with that?” we had to count our pennies and say “maybe next week.” But we have a nice cherry wood bedroom set sitting in it’s room… no mattress or boxspring.. But maybe next week will be another story. Justin’s mom thought that we were funny to purchase a set and get the mattress and boxspring later- but you have to set your financial goals and stick to em! And we did. It felt good too.

But I will tell you, saving money seems to have gone out of fashion in the world we live in. Maybe we’re all too caught up in the material world (cue Madonna) these days, and it’s ever so easy with just a swipe of the card to build that fantasy life that we so aspire for. Maybe it’s peer pressure - everyone else is having fun, everyone is driving a cool snazzy car…why shouldn’t I too. When Justin and I walked into a furniture store and appliance stores and handed them cold hard cash you would think that we were speaking gibberish. The salesmen kind of give you the confused dog look when their heads tilt to the side. It’s amusing!

What do you do when the world around you is about consuming? Even the government wants us to constantly consume “It’s good for the economy”…as evidenced by the stimulants offered in Budget 2008.

For Justin and I, we knew that our lifestyle, although not as elaborate as most, still defiantly needed some financial tweeking.

So here’s how we started our savings:
• Use a clothes line—at least in the summer! I know, it’s just too embarrassingly simple- but throughout the year we averaged a good 10-20 bucks a month.
• Coupon- couponing was one of those annoying things that I hated! But coupons are literally money in hand. Who throws away money in hand? Well I did until recently! Not now… no sir.
• Buy generic- We’ve recently started buying everything generic and have generated an average savings of $60 a month
• Eat your leftovers! Seriously, I hated leftovers growing up- but when we actually took them for lunch the next day or had a leftovers night instead of providing a whole new meal, we generated a savings of $30-50 bucks a month.
• Two star bucks a month (if that!). Yep-one starbucks outing every two weeks. If you were a weekly starbucks person like I was, this may be a task- but you can do it!
• And Most importantly- SET A BUDGET… if it’s not in the budget, it’s not an expense. Simple as that.

I have realized that we are saving hundreds a month doing these simple little things! Seriously. And where do we put that saving?? We but it into our debts! Our plan is be debt free… Maybe not this year- but very soon!

At first I thought that setting all of the guidelines would do nothing more than imprison us. Instead, it’s done the opposite.

So taking stock of the world we live in, here briefly are some reasons why I think that cultivating the savings habit and committing to it is a very good thing if you’re still coming up with your 2010 list:

1) It makes you self-reliant in your older years - no hand-outs needed from parents, friends, family. No burden to society.

2) You are in control of your life and you will probably feel less stressed, guilty etc. etc.

3) You learn to appreciate the small and simple things in life…taking a walk, hanging out with friends, playing with the cat (substitute with a baby come February)

4) It’s good for the soul!! This is especially true if instead of consuming, we learn to create. So next time, you get the urge to consume (buy things, watch TV, buy yet another CD), maybe you should think…what can I draw, build, write (like keeping a blog for example!)…

5) If you are faced with a major expenditure if your car needs new tires, or you get pregnant and have to pay 1500 dollars to have the baby—you can handle it!

6) You can give some to charity and make the world a better place. Tis the season to give!

7) Very importantly….the younger you start saving, the more you save!!! Remember the 8th wonder of the world as touted by Einstein? The power of compound interest means that over a longer period of time, what money you tuck away in your piggy today will be worth more. So it doesn’t matter if it’s just 100 or 600 or even 50 bucks a month. Just start!!!


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Week 27

Well This week marks the beginning of the third trimester for me, which for those who don't know what that means, I am starting month 7! Ahhh.. Very crazy! Avery Grant is now a perfectly formed albeit very tiny human being. This is when all of the fun belly growing really goes into high gear. I am a little scared about that. I keep looking in the mirror thinking "how the heck am I going to fix this when it's all said and done!" I can't imagine being much bigger- but according to the docs thats exactly what I should start preparing for.

Today I get to start going to the fun "pre-term labor classes" that my doctor requires me to go to. I am NOT excited about that. I skipped one class and have already got my slap on the wrist from the doc, so I am going to suck it up. I never really understood the need for classes. To me, this baby is coming out of me no matter what the heck I do. Now if the classes were about practicle things- like feeding, changing, cleaning, burping and taking care of newborns- sure! But this is strickly labor classes.

Also, another change is this week begins the 'every two week appointments'. So i get to venture to the doc every two weeks until the little one is here. So that's exciting!


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Pet Carrier

Funny story that I have to share. Justin just called, he usually calls around 3:30 pm while he is on his way to work. Well, he called and was telling me his experience dropping Autumn off at the vet.

A couple of years ago I had gave away my nice pet carrier and since I haven't really had to tote her around that much I never went out of my way to buy a new one. A about 6 months ago I was at Big Lots and found this cute pink barbie carrier. I thought "well, I may need it one day!" so i bought it for a couple dollars. We did use it to tote Autumn when we moved from one house to the other. But one thing i did not take into account was Justin dropping Autumn off at the vet.. Here is how our conversation today went:

Justin: Well, Autumn is dropped off. They have the Barbie carrier too.

Amber: You took her in in the Barbie purse?! I thought that you would take her out of it!

Justin: Yeah Man! I just took her in it and gave them the whole thing. I know I looked gay..

Amber: (laughing) Did you put it on your arm?

Justin: Yeah. I was trying to hide the barbie logo.. But the ladies saw it. They were trying not to laugh.

If you could just picture it like I do- you would be laughing too... poor Justin.


Poor little Autumn

This is my 17lb. cat Autumn whom likes to sit by the door and wait for me to come home from work. She's like a dog in the way that she gets so excited to see me come home from work.. She jumps on my lap and purrs and meows until I stop in my tracks to greet her. It's something that I look forward to everyday.... But today is different. Today when I walk into the house, her little food will be untouched and she will not be there. Today is a sad day for me. My little Autumn is sitting in the vet's office right now as we speak getting her little finger claws chopped off.

From the time I got her, I had told myself that she needed to get declawed, but somehow I had always talked myself out of it. I thought that I could train her to not scratch... nope... I tried alternative methods like Soft Paws which seemed to work for several months until she finally figured out how to leave her mark with them on. I tried to pretend that she was not ruining our furniture... but she was.

After going through several good pieces of furniture, laundry baskets, and carpet pieces Justin finally put is manly foot down when we made the move to the new house and forced me to make the dreaded appointment. Of course, I understand and would be equally as upset as him if she would ruin something in the new house... but I still pleaded and begged to no avail when we caught her scratching up our new couch. 'Sigh'.

Now that she is 4 1/2 years old, the healing process is going to be that much harder on her... poor little thing. I hope that she doesn't hate me! When I got her fixed she seriously walked around ignoring me for a week solid.... ahh.. the guilt is killing me!


Friday, November 06, 2009

26 weeks pregnant!

It's Friday and I have a confession! I almost forgot to make the week 26 post! I was running late this morning/ getting ready and then it hit me. Whoops. So I took a super quick pic.

Well this week I may just have to brake out the sparkling apple juice—baby Avery has now completed two-thirds of his stay in Hotel Womb. I am 26 weeks and 2 days along. At the end of this week I will be ending this 2nd trimester and begining a final stage of pregnancy! It's so crazy. I know that I keep saying it, but it just blows my mind how fast 9 months go by. I still feel as though I just found out!

Anyway this week I have noticed a ton of activity from the little guy..I feel like I am carrying the Karate Kid since he's become a pro at all the kicks and jabs. Also, this week, his eyes, which until now were developing under fused eyelids, start to open and close.

Tons of excitement and anticipation for the upcoming weeks!


Tuesday, November 03, 2009


I don't know where I got it, but it's here. This nagging bug that gives me the worst cough I have had. It's not accompanied by any other symptom- no headache, no fever, just a cough. But when you get to this point in the pregnancy there is this weird breathing issue that you deal with. At least for me, as the baby grows the more space for him the less space for me and he pushes on my lungs.. So between the two- sickness and breathing issues I have been miserable!! I kind of figure that I got from Justin. He can't stay away from me when he's sick. He's like a little puppy that follows you around. He was sick with a cough last week and it's a good possibility that he is the culprit. Either way- I am holding out and hoping that this is the worst.

On another note- I had a Dr. appointment yesterday. I am realizing the one thing that I dread the most at these appointments are the scale. I nearly fell off the scale in disbelief at the number that I saw. Yes, I'm pregnant- but if someone has been pregnant and they say that they never looked in the mirror at some point and said "what the heck have I done to myself" then they are lieing! Outright liars! For me, it's not that I feel like I am HUGE yet, but I think that all of the changes that you go through in such a short period of time can become overwhelming! Seriously! But I guess that's just all a part of the game.


Thursday, October 29, 2009

25 Weeks

well today I am officially 25 weeks and 1 day along on this journey. Sorry about the lack of posts but this week has been crazy for me!~ It totally hit me that I need to get on the ball with this baby thing. Up until this point I have been casually collecting clothes and items but Justin and I haven't really done any serious shopping for the baby or nursery. The other day I was sitting in the office and it hit me that once I hit 7 months (on week 27) I am in my third trimester!! And I am not ready for this baby to come!! lol. So Justin and I are planning on making some purchases this weekend for the nursery.

By this week Avery is is approximately 1.5 pounds and just under 13.7 inches long. It's at this point that babies start to take their own pace in growth. When I was born, I was a teenie tiny baby weighing in at 6lbs, while Justin was a gordo baby weighing in at almost 11lbs. He was so large that they had to break his collar bone to get him out!! yikes! SOO.. lets just hope the little guy gets my genes in the baby growth pool, he can have Justin's after he gets out of me, but I just hope he's a small newborn!!! otherwise we may start to have some issues with delivering him.
Anyway- to sum up the week so far I did have a tramatic day on Tuesday. I was driving to work listening to the radio and they were discussing the H1N1 virus and going through some of the local horror stories. Of course, this has been something that I had struggled with for the best part of the last month and a half. I turned off the radio and started praying for peace about the issue of whether or not I should get the vaccine. It has been such an issue weighing on my heart!

So- I get into work and I was not there for more than an hour when my Doc calls the office and tells me that she wanted me to come down and get the vacinne-NOW. I instantly start to freak out and panic and I told her that I was not sure that I really was ready to get it, and I had questions, and doubts, and fears. She again, went through some of the local pregnancy horror stories and long story short- I ended up going down and getting the vaccine. I cried all the way there. I even had one of the pastor's call a family member who works as a nurse and she said the same thing- "Go." BUT- now that it's done and over with I think I can rest a little easier. I pray that God will protect me and baby and I just hope I made the right choice!


Monday, October 26, 2009

Tired Monday

It's Monday and I had another one of those can't-sleep-at-all-nights!!!!! I seriously think I may have found 2 hours of rest last night. On the way home from church last night I started to feel this extremely sharp pain in my shoulder and then in my side. It was so sharp and painful that I was sure that something was wrong, a heat attack, a stroke, it was bad! Justin was suggesting detouring to the hospital, but I thought that maybe some googling a good rest would help it out. I came home and started googling and sure enough it's a common symptoms at 6 months pregnant. I guess for some people, when the baby gets to a certain size it is easy for the baby to lay in a way that may pinch a nerve or two. Regardless I was miserable!

Justin convinced me to stay up for a little while and watch a movie with him- A very scary movie, mind you that I will not mention here because it freaked me out too much. lol. So I did,and FYI -watching a scary movie does not help you fall asleep when you are already having pain! Bad idea!!!!!! Every time I would doze off I would have this evil scary image in my head and I'd wake to the already throbbing part of my body. So let's just say that I hope that this day goes by quick!

Anyway- I did want to show some pumpkin carving pics from the weekend. Unfortunately my camera was down but luckily Emily has some that I am stealing! Here ya go. (ps- excuse my homely look that I have going on. haha)


Friday, October 23, 2009

Pumpkins Pumpkins Pumpkins!

TGIF!!!! AND It's Pumpkins season in the MacQuarrie house starting tonight and I am super duper excited. Tonight we are planning on carving out our pumpkins for the season, baking the seeds, and eating pumpkin rolls until we are about ready to pop. (Will try to get some good pics up of tonight's festivities!) But I love fall! I really do. It is officially my favorite season of the year. Growing up, other than our regular trick or treating we really didn't have any fall traditions, but last year Justin and I had our first MacQuarrie Pumpkin Day where we spend the entire evening carving/ eating tons of pumpkin desserts, and seeds and it has since become one of those things that I looks forward to as fall approaches! It's weird how traditions are formed like that.

Tomorrow, if weather permits, we will be heading up to Circleville to take part in the annual Pumpkin Festival where we will be doing our regular taste testing of pumpkin chili and pumpkin pizza, and pumpkin ice cream, and pumpkin EVERYTHING! I don't know if it's because I am pregnant or if it's just the time of the year- but it sounds so appetizing!


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Pregnancy Week 24

Week 24 is here which means I am officially 6 months pregnant! (technically tomorrow). I obviously am starting to look the pregnancy part too which is fun and weird at the same time. I haven't had too many belly rubs, but I have however noticed that random people in grocery stores or walmart will stare and smile at me- which is fine with me. I just wish I knew what to say to them!

During this week our little Avery weighs about 1.4 pounds and will gain nearly 6 ounces this week as his body finally begins to fill out. This weight will mostly consist of muscle, bone mass, and the growing organs and tissues. His little ears are now fully functional, and I have already noticed that he is responding to sound! He seems to wake early to the buzzing alarm even before me. Forget hitting that snooze buttton! When you are getting a swift kick in the side at 6 am it's a little easier to wake up.... maybe that's a sign of whats to come! yikes!

But in any case we are excited. I finally got the shipment of clothes that I ordered from ebay and spend the evening organizing all the clothes we had by size. Fun times!


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