My Star
I read a post this morning from Shaun Groves website that really resonated to me. ------------------------------------- "The Old Testament ends with two commands from the prophet Malachi. He tells God's people to remember: Remember that God has done great things for you. Then he tells them to believe: Believe God's not through doing great things for you. Remember. Moses, manna, water gushing from a rock, the Law written down by the finger of God on a mountaintop. Remember. Believe. Believe that no matter how much darkness comes your way God will not abandon you, forget you. He will rescue. Believe. Then the prophet put down his pen and for the next 400 years the Israelites changed hands from empire to empire. Syrians. Persians. Greeks. Romans. 400 years. Some have called them the "darkest" in Jewish history. Why? The Jews had known this kind of poverty, persecution and powerlessness before. Why were these years the darkest? Because God was the quietest. For 400 years not a syllable was spoken by God to his suffering children. No prophets. No miracles. Nothing but darkness. And waiting, remembering, believing. Then, one night, an angel appeared to shepherds watching their flocks. And light shone all around them. And Heaven sent a message to earth. Before songs of joy there were cries of sorrow. Before peace on earth there was conflict. Before healing came hurt. Before the Light of the World there was darkness. Before the Word became flesh God was silent. Wait. Remember all the great things God has done in your life. Believe that He's not through doing them. Wait. Your star will come --------------------------------------------------- In the midst of the busyness of life it so easy to forget what a miracle we are really celebrating. For me, this year is more meaningful in the fact that I am carrying a little one and are feeling the anticipation of this new life, just as I expected Mary felt. It's easy to get hung up on the dark times in our life but we have a promise and a hope that MY star is coming. For those who don't know, Justin is currently laid off from work for the next two weeks. Being on furlough is never a fun time, for us it's filled with stress and penny pinching and lots of worry as to what tomorrow, next week, or next month is going to look like when all the bills come in. Luckily- this one is only two weeks. In any case, we went to PA this weekend and as we were enjoying the time with family, his old job, Norfolk and Southern called in and said that they will be calling him back within the next two weeks. If he chooses to go back he will forever leave his current job. His current job is something that provides the security that we need, yet he finds absolutely no enjoyment or fulfillment out of. His old job sits on the opposite spectrum, so much potential for growth and enjoyment- yet the security is not there. There are so many positives and negatives to each job that it instantly set us in a worry of what to do. What is the best choice? We are having a baby now and we aren't just making a choice for us, but for the little guy as well. As I worried and worried over the weekend and drive home I finally heard the promise of God say "Remember all the great things God has done in your life. Believe that He's not through doing them". I know that God will take care of us. Is there a better season to find that promise than the Christmas season? Absolutly not. "Wait. Your star will come"
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