Week 29 and 30
This picture is this week (week 30-today). This week is the end of the 7th month! How exciting. As much as I'm enjoying gaining weight like a sumo wrestler, I am all to glad to say that only 2 more months to go!! Many people ask how much I have gained thus far and I refuse to get on a scale and see. I usually just distract myself when I am on the Dr. scale. lol.. I mean, I am sure that they would tell me if I am over or under weight. I think just this week my belly grew 5 inches.. I'd say Thanksgiving didn't help that at all!
As far as the baby goes, from this week on, there is really nothing more left to do other than grow. Everyday that he is in here is better because his lungs mature more and more- but the little guy has already done much of his developing which helps me take a big sigh of relief.
I am starting to think long and hard about labor and delivery... And not in a fond way. I am NOT looking forward to that! I'm thinking "Wait a minute. The size of what is going to come out something that's the size of what?! Are you kidding me? ". lol Can't they just knock me out cold and take the baby?? I have got the "so what's your birthplan' question alot, and let me just say for the record- I have NO plan. I didn't even know people made "birth plans" I'm just going to take it as it comes and that may include drugs, and it may not. Only time will tell!
So, like I said yesterday I totally missed week 29! So here is a very bad picture of me. I look a little dazed and confused- but is the only one that I got last week. Oh well! I promise I am not cross eyed in real life! HAHA.
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