Thursday, October 29, 2009

25 Weeks

well today I am officially 25 weeks and 1 day along on this journey. Sorry about the lack of posts but this week has been crazy for me!~ It totally hit me that I need to get on the ball with this baby thing. Up until this point I have been casually collecting clothes and items but Justin and I haven't really done any serious shopping for the baby or nursery. The other day I was sitting in the office and it hit me that once I hit 7 months (on week 27) I am in my third trimester!! And I am not ready for this baby to come!! lol. So Justin and I are planning on making some purchases this weekend for the nursery.

By this week Avery is is approximately 1.5 pounds and just under 13.7 inches long. It's at this point that babies start to take their own pace in growth. When I was born, I was a teenie tiny baby weighing in at 6lbs, while Justin was a gordo baby weighing in at almost 11lbs. He was so large that they had to break his collar bone to get him out!! yikes! SOO.. lets just hope the little guy gets my genes in the baby growth pool, he can have Justin's after he gets out of me, but I just hope he's a small newborn!!! otherwise we may start to have some issues with delivering him.
Anyway- to sum up the week so far I did have a tramatic day on Tuesday. I was driving to work listening to the radio and they were discussing the H1N1 virus and going through some of the local horror stories. Of course, this has been something that I had struggled with for the best part of the last month and a half. I turned off the radio and started praying for peace about the issue of whether or not I should get the vaccine. It has been such an issue weighing on my heart!

So- I get into work and I was not there for more than an hour when my Doc calls the office and tells me that she wanted me to come down and get the vacinne-NOW. I instantly start to freak out and panic and I told her that I was not sure that I really was ready to get it, and I had questions, and doubts, and fears. She again, went through some of the local pregnancy horror stories and long story short- I ended up going down and getting the vaccine. I cried all the way there. I even had one of the pastor's call a family member who works as a nurse and she said the same thing- "Go." BUT- now that it's done and over with I think I can rest a little easier. I pray that God will protect me and baby and I just hope I made the right choice!


Em Thu Oct 29, 05:40:00 PM  

Ah! Avery is coming soon! Just so you know, I might have to count on you to tell me all the things I need to know about pregnancy in a few years! lol. Save up the stories! Thus far I can't imagine being a mom.

Amber Mac Tue Nov 03, 08:16:00 AM  

lol..Emily, you will be a great mom. I will sure save up all of my stories and experiences for ya. It's crazy how fast it goes by, that's for sure!

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