How UN-awesome..........
So, here's my vent. We are settling into this life in our new house and then bam- Justin get's the call that he's going on night shift for a week.. "Ok. Whatev." I thought. So last week he began his week leaving around 4:00 and not getting home until 6:00am. Mind you- I do not even get home from work until 5 and I am up at 6:30 getting ready to go to work, so we basically missed each other the entire week. It stunk!
I was so anxious for the weekend when this hideous schedule would be over and we could finally settle into a new normal with the move, nnd then Friday evening comes along and Justin calls to inform me that he was scheduled for yet another week of hell...AKA night shift..... seriously.I was devistated.
A: I hate hate not seeing Justin for an entire week, and B: Who likes staying by yourself in a new house at night especially 5 1/2 months pregnant???? NOT ME! And what's worse is that there may be a possibility that this new night shift is our new normal.. How un awesome is that? I have no idea how this new schedule is going to pan out with a new baby on the way, so for now I am just going to pray that this not what it seems..
On a side note- we did try to make the best of the little amount of time we had this weekend to work on the house, and we painted the entire kitchen! Yay for us. Pictures to come!
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