Friday, February 04, 2011

Oh, the life of a workin momma!

News news news! Avery took his first stepS today. I am capitalizing the 'S' on steps because for the past month he has took a step here and there  but always ended up plopping on his bottom after the first step. Well, today Justin's momma calls me and informs me that Avery took his first STEPS . It's one of thoes things that you celebrate, but at the same time, it's truely a bitter sweet moment for me for selfish reasons.  I had always imagined seeing it happen and grabbing the camera and getting the photo of such a milestone. I have photos of his first bath, first smile, his first time he ate solid foods, the first time he sat up..etc., etc.  So I was HOPING that he would wait to walk for his momma (after work, of course!) 
 Being a working mother is the hardest job on the earth, hands down.I had no idea how straining emotionally it would be to be away from your child.  I love working and providing for my family, especially since we are on the road to a debt free life. And I want be able to provide things for Avery that others might not be able to, like college for example. (Which BTW, we started Avery's college fund for his 1 year birthday).  But then there are moments like these that hit you and you realize that even if you are working hard to get there, time doesn't wait, life still happens, My baby starts walking! ahh. If only life were easier and we all could just hit the lottery and be home with our babies. lol. paradise!
 I love my little man so much.  


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