Thursday, February 10, 2011

Birthday Boy Avery

It's 4:15 here and I'm taking a few minutes out of my day. Not because I have a few minutes to spare, but because I need to stop and take a breather. Even if it's just a few minutes, and I want to update of Avery's first official birthday!!!
Yesterday was Avery's offical one year birthday. He's going to have a small party with my mom and dad and justins parents too on Saturday, but as a way of celebrating it with him Justin and I both took a vacation day to spend with him. It was nice. And I really hope it to be something that we can continue to do yearly.

We started off the day in Cinci at the Dr.'s office. It wasn't realluy planned, but it just had to happen. I was a little nervous because this is a whole new physician, and Avery's been sick, and I just didn't know how I would feel. So Avery got examined and she immediately noticed his breathing difficulties. We talked about some of his recent problems and the she then prescribed some new meds. I'm hoping that this will be a better turn of events.

After the Dr. visit we stopped at Perkins and ordered a huge breakfast for the 3 of us. Avery even got to try his first eggs since he is now 1 year old! He loved them!! He hate a whole plate by himself.

We then ventured to Best Buy where Justin and I picked up a FlipCamera. We don't have anything for video other than a small feature on our digital camera so we thought that we would go ahead and get something to capture Avery's first b-day party.

We then made a round to the Newport Aquarium. Avery was actually scared of the fish, which was surprising to us. He eventually warmed up to the idea and would allow us to put him close to the tanks. It was alot of fun. We have a video- I will try to post it here later..

And finally we went home. Avery and I took a long nap, and when we woke up, Justin had made a trip out to get us fruit smoothies. We let avery drink a banana smoothie. And then we gave avery one of our birthday presents that we got him- I little red tent. When he saw us bring it out with a big red bow on it, he died laughing. He was so excited! So we spent the rest of the night playing hide and go seek with the tent until his little legs couldnt move he was so tired.

It was such a sweet, special day. We thought about spending the "family day" money to have a huge party with lots of friends and family, but opted to have just the three of us have an outing and I am so glad we did. It is probably going to be one of thoes memories I will tell Avery about when he's 30..

I think we may just stick with this idea, at least until he's old enough to say "ok. enough of you guys.. I want a huge party".. haha


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