Monday, January 24, 2011

The Learning Curve!

One thing that is super apparent now that I am a mommy- is that there is a steep learning curve that you go through, especially when it comes to our babies health. Avery, altough he's easily one of the happiest babies alive, hasn't had very great luck when it comes to an immune system. Yes, I followed the exact health guide, I breastfed, I made sure to sanitize EVERYTHING. But I suppose some children have a harder time than others. In any case, had you asked me about conjuntivities, trush, bronchitis, Fifth Disease before have Avery I would have looked at you like you were speaking jibberish to me. 

 From the first month of Avery's life I can recall something that has caused some sort of panic for me, whether is was a fever, asthma attack, hacking coughing/sneezing, conjuntivities, trush. etc.etc... . Avery is just turning 1, and I feel like I have went through an intensive graduate course on pediatrics! lol. Between the 3 asthma meds., and inhalers, the allergy meds, the many many accounts of having some sort of antibiotic in his system due to conjunctivitis (pink eye), bronchitis, or trush I sometimes feel as though the meds in themself have been a full time job. I will say, though that the last 4-5 months have been fairly easy and he's actually not been on anything but the asthma medication which is so nice. I switched him from a daycare setting with other babies to an in-home  child care of a girl that I go to church with. Since then I have seen a significant improvement in his health... BUT, for the last few weeks the little guy has seemed really fussy. He had a low grade fever last week so I kept him home a few days, but I couldn't tell what was up other than he had a low fever, runny nose, and a cough. He ended up developing a rash on his bottom which I did not associate with the cold at all- until he developed a SUPER red rash on the cheeks of his face.. At this point I called the Dr., who said " It sounds like Fifth's Disease".  "Fifth's disease!!! what is it!!!!!????" I panicked once again.

After reading up on it, I felt a little better knowing that  it's pretty common  little virus among little ones... But it still scares the bijeebeez out of you when you learn that your baby has something. The bright side of it is the red rash on his face is really the final stage of this "Fifth's Disease" so he should be good as new here soon. And he actually slept well last night which made me feel better.

So anyway- keep the little guy in your prayers !~


Friday, January 21, 2011

Just a day with the Macs

So, Ave and I got snowed in yesterday. In an attempt to entertain the little guy, I decided to jump out from underneath the kitchen table. Avery LOVED it. Loved it... and I sound very- weird and scary. lol... but it makes for some good memories!~


Friday, January 14, 2011


Last year this week I was 36 weeks pregnant!!!! seriously! Click here to see!


2010 review

Wow. Can you believe that we are officially half way through January? It really doesn't seem possible. At all. But we are! I can't believe that 2010 is over and done with, it just seems like yesterday that it begun. So, although I am 2 weeks late on this post, I thought I'd give an overview of the year.

- 2010 was our first full year of being homeowners! It's been a wonderful thing to feel as if we are official adults. With homeownership we have had to deal with broken garbage disposal and central air going out. I think it was the first hit to me that "we own the home" when the garbage disposal quit working and I couldn't call the trusty old landlord... But it's been awesome to have the freedom to make our home our very own, and to not feel as if we are throwing our money away with rentals. in 2010 we updated our house but painting the living, dining, kitchen, and even painted the front door red. Justin built an awesome tv stand.

- Probably the best most wonderful thing that happened in 2010 without a doubt was the welcoming on our sweet little boy(whom I was told that I may never have due to infertility issues), Avery Grant. He entered the world in February 9th, 2010 at 11:59 am. Most of the year of 2009 was spent antipating his arrival so when the 9 months of anticipation finally looked me in the eyes on that date, it has forever been etched into my heart.. (I know that's cheesy, but it's the God's honest truth)

- The entire 2010 year has been a year of adjustment with a new person in our lives. Everything has changed. I was home from work with him for a little over 2 months- I went back to work part time for another 2 months, and now I'm back at full speed here at the church.

- One huge thing that happened in 2010 was the horrible burn accident that took place in September. One great thing that happenend out of the whole thing was to actually see the hands and feet of God at work. Not only did the dr.'s say that Justin would be out of work for months, but they also had initially said that he would need skin graphs on his entire left side of his body. The Lord was moving, and Justin started work just 2 weeks after the accident, and never recieved a skin graph. He has discolored spots on the right side of his body, but the skin is there and he has been healed! Also, we had some very dear dear friends of our who really helped during that time and provided food for an entire week. It was awesome.

- Our new year resolution for 2009-2010 year was to make some improvments financially! Our goal is still to be debt free and we are working hard at doing it! With a little boy now in the picture this year was filled with many unexpected and expected expenses (dr. bills, food, clothing, daycare, etc, etc) but we were still able to bay off a $5,000 dollars debt, and 1 of our vehicles. It was a smaller dent in the bill pile of bills than what we wanted, but with all things considered, I think we did alright!

-On a physical level- lol, let me just say that pregnancy had its advantages, and disadvantages for sure. One disadvantage was the fact that I am just one of thoes gals that gain the weight. Some girls are all belly, but that last month of the pregnancy was the killer. I am going to be transparent on here with the weight thing because its going to be apart of my new years resolution so I have to show the progress. I started off the at the pre-pregnancy weight of 107.. The day I went into labor (with the baby still in there) I was weighed in at 152.. One week after having Avery I had an infection was back at the dr., and weighed in at 130 on the dot... So after the baby I still had a good 23 lbs to lose and it has been an uphill battle, but I'm happy to say that I sit here at 112! Still got that last 5 lbs, but i'm getting there. yes, it's been almost a year, but like I said, I am just the type of girl that keeps the baby weight if I don't work it off!! So- I am happy to say that in 2010 I gained 43 lbs, and lost 38.

This year's resolution is going to have three parts. Last year was the first year that I made a resolution, and I actually stuck with it (as far as finances)... So this year I'm going

A: keep last years goal and push toward a fiancially debt free life. I don't want to bite off more than I can chew, so I I know it may be on the resolution list for a few more years. But we are definatly on the track. Also, one thing that I want to do is build up the savings account. We had done well in 2008, but when we bought the house, naturally, we wiped it out.. We have slowly built it back up but when unexpected expenses occure (car repairs, house repairs, dr. bills) we easliy nip it back down.

b: Physically: Like I said, I still have that last 5 lbs to go! I wanted to get there before the new year, but It's like a plateau hit! So I have to be more intentional. Yes, I want to lose that final last 5 lbs., but I also want to get more in shape in general. We have the work out equipment and p90x. My goal is to make it a priority to get into shape !!

C: Finally, Spiritually. This year, especially recently I have found myself reflecting. Justin and I are reflecting on what calling that God has for us. I used to say "im clueless", but I am now seeing more and more daily where God is leading our hearts. And we are opening ourself up to it! I am not going to say anything specifically, because I do not yet know specifics, but this year I we are going to intensly focus on where/ what God has for us. We both are feeling like God is doing something in each of out hearts separatly, which is so exciting, but we are letting God speak to us.

So yeah. thats what I'm thinking for 2011!


Thursday, January 06, 2011

No Better

When you sling your stone
Aim it at her heart
Where every crime comes from
Where every stumble starts

And save the next for me
Muster all your skill
‘Cause sin in secrecy
Is the hardest kind to kill

Lay me down with the liars
The brawlers, thieves and backbiters
Lay me down with the others
‘Cause I’m no better

There’s no justice here
Just as well you know
We’ve all got hell to pay
But grace pays all we owe

Lay me down with the liars
The brawlers, thieves and backbiters
Lay me down with the others
‘Cause I’m no better

Lay me down with the takers
Politicians, cheats and heart breakers
Lay me down with the others
‘Cause I’m no better

- Shaun Groves
I guess you can say that this week has been one that is challenging at the very least. Without exposing anyone or details, I have lost a lot of sleep- thinking. Have you ever been blindsided? Blindsided by disappointment in someone you care for? Blindsided by fear? By doubt? By hurt for another person?

This week I have.

This week dinner has been a little colder, and the house has been quieter..the laughter has been only in a whisper. Not because of anything between Justin and I, but because of being blindsided.. Because of the deep pain that we know that a family is going through.

But despite all of the chaos of a horrible situation- I know that I'm no better.

I'm no better than anyone who is involved. I'm no more justified and loved than the victims or the culprits.

Today I'm reminded of just how graceful grace really is... How loved each of us are even at our worst. How God can speak to us and through us despite the angst, sin, and impurities that are caked around our heart.

There’s no justice here
Just as well you know
We’ve all got hell to pay
But grace pays all we owe


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