Thursday, February 09, 2012

Happy 2nd B-day Aveman!

Today marke Avery-Grant's 2nd birthday! It is hard to believe that two years has flew by already. Last year, Justin and I took off work on his birthday and took him on an outting. I really wanted to go that route again this year since we had such a great time last year, but then last week happened. Justin hurt his back at work, and had to use his "birthday days" as sick days, and I was left to try to make it a special day on my own.

So this morning, I woke up and used the left over helium from the tank from his b-day party last weekend and made a "UP" movie sized bundle of balloons to welcome him in his b-day day.... I knew instantly when he woke up and found the balloons because I could hear him squealing and jumping on the bed..

He spent a good part of the morning running through the house with his birthday balloons, and I make him some scrambled eggs, yogurt, and toast... After eating his little breakfast, he wanted to pick a movie to watch -so we spent a few more hours watching "Cars" of course.. I put him down for an early nap, so we could start our adventure.

When he finally woke up, we were out the door and we went to Chuck-E-Cheese. At that point the day kinda went nuts. They aren't lying when they say it's a place where "a kid can be a kid" because my kid was running from one end to the other- jumping from one game to the next, squeeling with excitment as every moment passed. His cousin Acie, and my sis joined me as the boys went crazy.... and then the moment came when the pizz was done and it was time to remove the boys from the games... Let's just say that the terrible twos kicked into high gear, and I saw a side of Ave that I had never seen before. The best way to describe it was a cross between an excorsim like anger, and a wild animal forced to be cage. There was weird screeching growl like screams that sounded like he was being abused.... after the HUGE meltdown I removed him from the whole situation and tried to calm him down in the bathroom- which worked- thankfully... lol... and we were able to sit down and eat-kinda.

After chuck e cheese, we went to dairy queen for dessert and called it a night.

Avery, Justin and I spent the evening with the music station on, looking at our pictures from when he was born, reminiscing, and watching Avery bust out some dance moves. All in all- a good day.

But since Justin missed out on our special day, we are devoting Sunday to taking Avery to the Children's Museum in Cincinnati (which was the original plan)! Which should be fun!!


Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Life Update!!

Hello blog world! It is I, the one whom has been missing since July! There are too many updates to put in one post, but I will do my best to sum up the last 6 months of silence:

1. I now have a fully active, time consuming, loving, ornery toddler boy that will turn 2 years old tomorrow (*tear*). I can't believe how time has flown with him. It makes me take every second I can get with him and enjoy each new stage. 2012 will be a big year for him- we are beginning potty training, we are moving his room to the larger guest room and he will have a new "big boy" bed in the coming weeks, and we are weaning him from the dreaded sippy cup.... Some kids have binkies, some have blankies, not my Ave. He had never really cared for them, his security item is the sippy cup that he carries snuggled under his arm 24 hours a day- even at night... so that is going to be a fun adventure, but despite it all- I think that the BIGGEST change that 2012 will bring for my little Avery-Grant is-----a new brother or sister... which brings #2....

2. We are pregnant! Total shock for me and Justin this time. We had actually booked a nice beach vacation in a resort and I was imagining laying on the beach after months of hard exercise, when I began to feel strangely tired- coma-like tiredness actually. It was a little scary. I would be sitting on the couch watching Avery play blocks totally awake and normal when I would awaken 15 minutes later..And then I would freak out because I just fell asleep with no other adult in the house with my toddler running free... So I began to get VERRY suspicious...

I didn't test right away though. I waited, thinking maybe it was in my head. The kicker was when I woke up one morning and took a drink of coffee, only to have an instant nausea and was totally disgusted with the taste of coffee... Im like, seriously, coffee! So yeah! took the test- and found out the big news.

The next hurdle was trying to figure out how far along I was, and I needed a dr... I don't know if I mentioned anything about my negative experience at the hospital that I delivered Avery in with the random Dr. that I had never met before (that is a whole new post)- but it was scarring enough that I wanted something radically different... SO, I did a little research with my insurance company and we found a midwife that was covered under my insurance. I really didn't know what to expect. It is a 45 minute drive for every visit, but so far I am verry pleased with the difference. The interesting thing is that I really haven't went through all the the testing that I did in the hospital practice, I have yet to have had any blood work, and the only way that they calculated my due date was by feeling on stomach- so I have noticed a big change with most of the prenatal care is very natural, and comfortable. I will still be having the baby in a hospital- being I live out in the boondocks, and the nearest hospital that would be qualified to handle an emergency is almost 2 hrs away. But I am excited that I decided to make the change so far.

My next appointment is on the 22nd of February, which will put my over 17 weeks along. It is so crazy how fast this pregnancy is going!


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